Ci chiediamo cosa sia la cultura, come vorremmo che fosse.
E vi chiediamo di condividere con noi la vostra opinione ed esperienza.

We wonder what culture is.
We would be pleased to know your opinion, your way to consider this subject.

Le vostre opinioni, continuate a scriverci!
Here your opinions are!

"When man has had all his needs covered; he’s eaten his food, drank his water, had a good night’s sleep, founded his family, then what?
Then culture comes to play. Without dance, music, art, good food, what would he then have to care about?
Culture is essential to life!

Marita M. Skaiaa, Norway

"È l’unico, o forse uno dei pochi, "strumenti" che ha l’Uomo per non cedere alla tentazione dell’autodistruzione e del massacro.

Carla, Italy

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